Parent Teacher Association

Our AMPS PTA are amazing and have raised an incredible amount of money for our pupils.
Here you will see our PTA Newsletters with key information and upcoming dates.
Thank you to our PTA for all they continue to do for us!
November update
What a start we’ve had to the year!
Check out our latest newsletter for updates on how our fundraising is going so far and a peek at what’s to come, including our Christmas Hamper raffles.
For anyone who has not yet paid the voluntary annual subscription , these are due to be paid by 9th November.
There are two methods by which you can pay:
1. Pay electronically directly into the PTA account. Please use your eldest child’s name as the reference on the payment. Our bank details are Account Number 40011088 and Sort Code 95-02-81 (Account name: Andrew Memorial Primary School Parent Teacher Association)
2. Send cash in an envelope along with the slip into school with your child.
Please also consider completing a gift aid form for your donation.
Huge thanks to all who have donated so far.
Cash For Clobber
Having a pre-Christmas clear out? We will be accepting any donations of clothes, shoes and fabrics in our Cash for Clobber collection on Tuesday 26th November! Please leave all donations at the Andrews Hall at school drop off.
Christmas Hampers
Thank you to those of you who have already sent in items for our Christmas Hampers, we’re looking forward to seeing the finished hampers which will be up for grabs in December!