After School Activities Overview

The fun, experiences, challenges and learning opportunities offered by any extra-curricular activities are an important element in a child’s education at any stage.
At Andrews Memorial, we aim to provide a wide range, as well as to promote and develop further activities to supplement and enhance the classroom-based learning in the school.
There are sporting and creative activities available to pupils from P2 onwards – for example, football, hockey, netball, rugby, table-tennis, choir, orchestra, Clayrazy, Miniversity (computer club), drama, multi-sports skills, and gymnastics have all been available in recent years. Clubs are run by the staff and external providers.
Parents should note that there is a cost to join clubs run by external providers.
The timetables for each term are correct at the time of posting. If there are changes, the teachers will communicate directly with the pupils and/or the parents.
We are extremely proud of the range of activities our team of dedicated and experienced staff can provide and we know our AMPS Community appreciate all the extra effort the staff team go to to run the many clubs in school.
External Providers
We will try to work with external providers for some additional clubs in school. All providers must provide up to date ACCESS NI approval and will be responsible for communicating with parents. The dates, times and costs of clubs will be communicated each term.