Sport @ AMPS

A wide range of sporting activities is offered at Andrews Memorial.
Opportunities are provided for pupils to participate in football, table tennis, netball, hockey, minirugby, cricket, cross-country, gymnastics, dance and athletics.
Many children benefit from additional coaching through various outside agencies, such as the IFA, the IRFU (Ulster Branch), Ards RFC, Ards and North Down Borough Council, Comber Rec FC and North Down CC.
Key Stage 2 classes attend Ards swimming pool each year, attending weekly sessions for one term.
The school football team competes in the Newtownards and District Primary Schools’ League annually and continues to enjoy great success and enjoyment.
The girls’ netball team plays a number of friendly and competitive games during the year, including at local
tournaments where it has enjoyed much success in recent years.
The mini-rugby squad competes in the East Down Area Blitz each year and plays at Ravenhill in alternate years.
Our AMPS Hockey team competes in local area tournaments and festivals further afield. Similarly, the cricket team competes locally and has strong links to North Down CC.
Recently our extremely talented Gymnastic and Dance teams have achieved huge local and national success and
we aim to build upon that in the future!
Athletic sessions have also been introduced, culminating in genuine all-round skills-centred Sports Days in the summer.
During the Summer term, year group and ‘House’ competitions are held in various sporting activities. All pupils from P4-P7 are encouraged to take part and have fun in these.