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Andrews Memorial Primary School, Comber


28th Jun 2024

Welcome to the final sway of 2023 – 2024.

It is hard to believe that this academic year is now completed. We have had a fabulous year in AMPS. Fabulous things don’t just happen.

They happen because of your great staff, your great children and your great support.

Always know that your staff want the best for your children. We love and care about them all deeply.

A sad time for us as we are losing some key members of staff for next year. Moving on to new chapters are Mr Hunter and Miss Hutchinson who have been fabulous Classroom Assistants in AMPS-wonderful adults and role models. Then we have Mrs Fulton who is moving on to work in a new school. Mrs Fulton has been a very caring and loving staff member in AMPS over many years and we will miss her next year. Of course, life will not be the same in AMPS without Mr Sandford but his legacy and his wisdom will always be here for us for years to come.  Mr Sandford has attached a letter for you all.

I will be in touch in August but I wish you all a very happy and blessed summer. Enjoy the special family time and we look forward to seeing you all again on 28th August!

Kind regards,

C Fulton