Primary 6 News!

The Primary 6 children were very busy on Tuesday afternoon. They were asked to get into groups and had to appoint someone as a group leader.

They then had to work together to create a short piece of music which represented an animal. This could be any animal – real or imaginary. They each had to choose a percussion instrument. The short piece of music had to represent the animal’s movement and speed. It also had to contain some soft and loud sections too.

They rose to the challenge brilliantly. They worked together and listened to each other. They took great pride in performing their composition in front of the others. It gave them an opportunity to be creative and to be confident that all of their work would be appreciated and enjoyed.

As you can see from the pictures, the children loved the experience. Everyone took the task very seriously and we had some super pieces of music played. Well done, P6!

Categories: Primary 6