P4 Homework Information – 17/5/21 – 20/5/21

Hello P4, welcome to a new week. Over half way through May already! Here is your homework…


This week we are learning about the sound ‘r’, you will need to look at List 28 this week. This sound can be made by the letters -r, -rr, and even -wr! As usual, we will do the sound story and silly sentences in school. Your job is to do the spelling activities at home!


This week we are going to revise the dividing by 2 tables and look at how they are related to the multiplication tables. Please look at Sheet 7 A and B for your tables. Here is a little video to show how multiplication and division are related.


Your written work will be on Seesaw, so look out for some antonyms work and some numeracy! As always, just do your best!

Categories: Primary 4