P4 Homework Information – 4/5/21 – 6/5/21

Hello P4, here we are in May! The weeks are going by so quickly. We have lots to look forward to this month, especially our Wee Critters visit this Friday (7th). Remember that your parents can pay £3.50 by using School Money which means it is all online. Don’t forget to bring a coat that day as we will be outside and the weather might not be great…


This week we are learning about one of the sounds made by the letter -g. We will do the sound story and silly sentences in school as well as the activities you do at home, so we will know them really well by Friday! There may be a mistake on your spelling booklet so please look at either Week 26 or Week 27, whichever list has the -g sound. As always, just try your very best.


This week the tables are on Sheet 6 J, K and L. It’s more revision of the multiplication tables. You are doing very well with these so let’s keep going!

Categories: Primary 4