Week Beginning 1st June 2020

I know, JUNE! How did that happen?

Unfortunately, we’ve now reached the last month of the school year and it hardly seems believable that we’ve seen so little of each other. We’ll try to go a little easier on you over the next few weeks in terms of work – it is nearly the summertime after all! However, don’t switch off just yet or let your brain cells go rusty. You’ll still need them come September.

IMPORTANT – We would love as many P7s as possible involved in this! Many of you will have witnessed in previous years the P7s preparing their AMPS Memories to read out at the Leavers’ Assembly. Well, despite everything that’s happening, we want you to still be able to do the same! Read the PowerPoint below to get involved – we look forward to watching your video clips! Keep your eyes peeled on here and in your emails for more info on how our Leavers “Assembly” will be shared with you…

If you wish to write out your “Looking Back as we Move Forward” memories out on lined paper with the AMPS logo to have it as a keepsake, you can download that below:

This week’s spelling sound is “sh” (sh/s/ch):

This week’s numeracy is all about sorting data. It’s really just revision work, so you should have no problems!

There are three activities below.
In ‘Fictional Tales’ – just do activity A.
We’ve supplied a selection of blank diagrams. You can choose which ones to download and fill in.

History – WW2 Diamond 9 Activity

Science – Flight


Lesson 2 in our series of ‘Moving On’ – Friend Problems!

This week’s target is a real challenge – the Haiku!

Categories: Primary 7