P5 Home Learning 11/5/20-15/5/20

Hello P5!

We are really missing you all, but please remember even though we are not in school together we are still your teachers and we are thinking about you all. If you need any help don’t forget to send us an email. Keep sending us photographs and videos of what you have been doing at home we love to see all your smiling faces. 🙂

Home Learning Planner

Remember this is a guide of the work that you can cover during this week. The worksheets have been uploaded to Shared Resources. This week we are beginning our work on The Ancient Egyptians, I know lots of you have been looking forward to this topic all year.


Spellings – Week 28

Please continue with your daily spelling activities. The sound story is here to help you , too.


This week we are having another look at pronouns, so you can have a look back at the links and videos we posted last week to remind yourself.

News desk

Check out the article ‘Exceptional Egyptians’ on News Desk. There is a list of discussion questions under the article that you can have a think about and answer. Why not make a comment on the article and then others from P5 can see what you thought or learnt.

Creative Writing

Explore this website to find out about Ancient Egypt. Can you write ten interesting facts in your own words?https://www.dkfindout.com/uk/history/ancient-egypt/



Properties of 2D shapes revision


See the source image

What makes a shape symmetrical? https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zrhp34j/articles/z8t72p3

Symmetry games






See the source image


Why not start off someone else’s week with a bit of positivity? Can you send a friend an encouraging message, phone a family member to let them know you are thinking of them, make a card or draw a picture for an older person who lives nearby? This week really think about things you can do to make others smile. 😀

Here are a few more fun sheets that you can fill in to record your memories during this time at home.

Can you guess the different feelings in this video?


A fun dance that you can try out this week.

Categories: Primary 5