Week beginning 3rd June

Well done to everyone who took part in Sports Day – what great ambassadors you are of sportsmanship and encouragement towards each other!



List 29-commonly misspelled words

Darth Vader Group-List 29-a mixture of “a” words.


Sheet 7, E,F,G,H-revision of division by 4 and 5


Titanic plurals – to be completed on the sheet.


P15 in Heinemann Activity Book


Remember P4F is back to Mondays for PE and Wednesday for Forest Schools so PE kit both days please.

P4S will continue to have both PE and Forest Schools on Wednesdays.

Advanced reminders:

AMPS annual Summer Fair takes place THIS FRIDAY! See Facebook for further details.

AMPS annual “Be Yourself Picnic” takes place on Friday 21st June. This will be a half day for all children.

Mrs Fulton, Miss Savage and Mrs McCullough

Categories: Primary 4