Parent Governor Representatives

Would you like to be one of 2 new parent representatives on our Board of Governors?  This is a vital role which carries great weight and responsibility but if fulfilling, rewarding, and greatly appreciated by our school community.  As the term of office for previous parent governors has now expired, it is pertinent that two new parent representatives are elected.

Who can stand for election?

Only current parents of Andrews Memorial pupils can stand for election.

What is my time commitment going to look like?

Urgent or vital communication is sent via email when required.  Meetings take place usually once per half term and are held in school from 4:30pm.  Typically, these are Tuesdays and meetings end approximately 7pm.

What will my responsibilities be?

Please see the attached roles and responsibilities.

What do I do if I would like to nominate myself or another parent?

Should you wish to self-nominate or to nominate a person(s) to stand for election as parent governor(s), please collect the Candidate Nomination Form (Appendix B) and Personal Statement Form (Appendix B1) from the school office.  Forms can be collected from Friday 30 August 2024 until Friday 6 September 2024 (between 9am-3:45pm). Please return the completed nomination form to the school office not later than Tuesday 10 September 2024 at 3:45pm

What happens after nominations are completed?

In the event of more than two nominations, a ballot will be held and information on this process is included in Appendix A.  Candidates Personal Statements will be circulated to all parents to help their voting decision.

What next?

Should you wish to self-nominate or to nominate a person(s) to stand for election as parent governor(s), please collect the Candidate Nomination Form (Appendix B) and Personal Statement Form (Appendix B1) from the school office.  Forms can be collected from Friday 30 August 2024 until Friday 6 September 2024 (between 9am-3:45pm). Please return the completed nomination form and Personal Statement to the school office not later than Tuesday 10 September 2024 at 3:45pm

Please ensure you have the agreement of the candidate that they wish to stand for election (along with their Personal Statement – Appendix B1) and a seconder for the nomination.  Please note, in accordance with the Scheme for the Management of Controlled Schools: a person, other than the principal or a teacher elected in accordance with the relevant provisions of Schedule 4 to the 1986 Order, who is employed for gain solely in the school for the purposes of the school or, for the purposes of non-school activities shall not be a member of the Board of Governors of the school. 

Categories: School News