March 2023

Information for parents & carers:

Coming up just after the Easter holidays
Red Dress Run 2023 – Wednesday 29 March

Our Red Dress Run day will be Wednesday 29 March. Yes, it’s withing the Big Walk & Wheel, but all you have to do is add something red to your outfit, whether walking , scooting or cycling to school. Please bring £1 towards NI Chest Heart & Stroke, too – the charity that supports people in Northern Ireland with heart disease and helps those who have been ill. Mr Magee is pictured with two children who, like him, took part in the ‘official’ event at Stormont. Like last year, we hope to raise funds as a whole school next Wednesday, though, so thank you in advance of your generous donations.
Here’s how we got on – fantastically! And we raised an amazing £700 – a superb collective effort for such an important charity.

We’re all in this together
Pushing hard
We put the efffort in

March promises to be a BIG, BIG month for AMPS. We have the next event in our 50th celebration year coming up on 23 March, with a ‘trip down Memory Lane‘. This will be for current and former pupils, families and staff, and will take the form of a relaxed ‘walk-around’ exhibition of memorabilia donated by friends and families associated with the school. The more personal the better, so if you know someone who may have a story to tell but who is not in touch with the school these days, please let them know.

Please have a look at the Comber Library flier posted above. It contains information on children’s activities at our local lbrary, one that supports our school every year through hosting class visits. We rely on the library to help with our children’s literacy development and it acts as an important bridge between home and school. Why not pop along and see for yourselves?

Our news feed begins with our own Super Sunday of 2023…

Just as a starter, here is a picture clue…

You can find more of the details on the wonderful achievements of the squad on a special post on our News page via the link below. We’re sure you’ll be impressed!

NI Gymnastics event

The various sporting seasons for our pupils come to their climax towards Easter, so it’s always an exciting and rewarding time for the children and staff alike. All the effort and time spent training and practising pays off when everyone performs to their potential. In Primary schools, we hope that these experiences are positive and provide the children with a taste of success and fulfilment; also that they will be inspired to continue with their sport or music or drama a their next schools. This is only the beginning!

Hockey first here, with both girls and boys competing in the Ulster Qualifiers at Regent House. While neither team qualified for the finals, both acquitted themselves well and competed gamely in every match. The weather certainly played its part, too, but we showed fight and determination. The girls did experience all three forms of result and the boys lost out on just the odd goal. With lots of P6s in the teams, this experience bodes well for next year.

Table-tennis next, this time the individual championships, again held in Banbridge, and with a full squad of AMPS competitiors taking part in the U-10 and U-12 sections.
Two of our boys qualified for the knock-out stages, losing against really talented players in the quarter-finals. One boy was playing the No 1 ranked player in Ireland and only lost by a couple of points in each game. The girls weren’t just so successful this time, but did themselves and the school proud.
The future looks very bright once again for table-tennis at our school. Both girls competing in the U-10 section progressed to the quarter-finals. One lost narrowly in the semi and the other won through to the final and took it to a final game decider! Needless to say, the crowd on both players’ sides was at fever pitch by the end!
All in all, another successful table-tennis season for both the players and Mrs Sims, our committed and passionate coach. With her enthusiasm and the children’s commitment to lunchtime practices, they really have acheived huge amounts this season – congratulations to all!

We’ll be catching up with our Mini Rugby players, dancers and gymnasts very soon, but in the meantime, what about this young man? How brilliant is this picture? Competing in the UK Championships, finishing 10th – that’s incredible. We’re very proud indeed – onwards and upwards and upside-downwards and flipping marvellous!

We said goodbye to Miss Mahood in November of last year, but never had the opportunity to give her a proper AMPS send-off with Christmas fast approaching. We were thus delighted when she found time to come in and receive our gifts, the most personal of which was a lovely tribute book made by all the children she had taught in Andrews Memorial. Miss Mahood very kindly presented us with a gorgeously illustrated prayer. We all wish her well in her new endeavours and hope to see her here again soon.

Categories: School News