February 2023

Information for parents & carers:

Welcome to February and the hope of warmer, brighter days ahead.
Our first request for parents is to take a few seconds to respond to our revised AMPS Beanie survey – details above. The quicker you do, the quicker we can get sorted before the hot and sunny (hatless) days arrive…

We begin this month’s news with a picture of a ‘big cheque’ and some very generous and supportive children. This money was collected at non-uniform days just before the Christmas holidays and will support the Children’s Cancer Unit Charity. As ever, our wonderful AMPS family showed its generosity and our thanks go to everyone for giving in aid of children and their families in need at Christmas time.

A feature common to our P1 and P2 activity area for many years at Christmas time is a ‘little’ Christmas tree. Donated by our friends at NI Farm Forestry, these trees have brightened up the area for 15 years. Normally we return the tree for planting, but this year Penny suggested we plant it here in our own grounds. So we did! To paraphrase, ‘from little trees grow big trees’. We wonder how tall it’ll be next Christmas? And the children!

Is it just us, or is February racing past too quickly? For our P7 children and parents, the week up to half-term was all about choosing schools to apply to for next year, a huge step in the children’s educational – and life – journey. Hopefully, now that everyone has chosen, the classes get the chance to settle down to being back at AMPS and loving it for the remainder of P7! There are some very large ‘markers’ on the horizon, but more of those another time…
Sporting fixtures will be continuing this term, so look out for news of our mini-rugby squad, gymnastics and dance teams, hockey teams and football team coming up. We’ll also have individual table-tennis championships in a couple of weeks. That’s a lot!
And then there’s the Lion King – more to follow!
Just to whet the appetite, here is our cross-country squad in action recently at Londonderry Park. Once again, the girls out-performed the boys – go girls!

To finish this month, here’s a lovely snap of newly opened crocuses – Spring has sprung, the lawnmowers are poised…

Categories: School News