October News!

Hello Everyone!

Doesn’t time fly when you are having so much fun?

We have been learning all about Autumn and have been observing the beautiful changes to the seasons. Conkers have been rolling all over the playground from our Horse Chestnut tree.

The colours of the leaves are spectacular. The children have loved observing them and some have even made their own version of ‘Leafman.’

We have enjoyed printing with apples and leaves and have created lovely apple trees by printing with our hands.

We even harvested the apples from the AMPS orchard and made some yummy apple jam. We ate it in the sunshine outside on the seating area. It was such a beautiful day. some children had seconds and even thirds!!

The last week of term is always great fun and we had a fantastic time learning all about spiders. We also enjoyed loads of spooky fun.

We hope that everyone has a fantastic holiday and that you all return on the 2nd November ready for the new term!

Categories: Primary 1