P4 Homework Information – 24/5/21 – 26/5/21

Hello P4, here is your homework for this week. Remember we can look forward to a lovely long weekend as we are off school on Friday 28th and Monday 31st May. You have been working extremely hard and deserve a break! As we are off on Friday there will not be a spellings and tables test this week.


The spellings this week (Week 29) are slightly different as they are words which are a bit tricky to spell. They sometimes don’t look how they actually sound! We won’t be having a spelling test this week as we are off on Friday, but please continue with your spelling activities as we don’t just learn to spell words for our Friday test – we learn them for life!


We are continuing with our revision of the dividing tables and this week they are on Sheet 7 C and D. Remember that dividing is sharing equally and is the opposite of multiplying.


We have been sending home reading books which have been prepared in school. Remember to read it to whoever helps you with your homework. If you would like to read your own books, please go ahead and do that.


Monday – Literacy, Words Within Words – on sheet

Tuesday – Time sheet, quarter to – on sheet

Categories: Primary 4