May 2021

Information for parents & carers:

Public Health Agency – for all the up-to-date information on Coronavirus in N. Ireland

As we move towards the final part of the school year, we are so relieved and delighted to be returning to a fuller school day – even, in the case of P7s, returning to some after-school sports provision!
Our eldest pupils, having missed out on normally very busy end of year schedules in P6 and P7, including two residential trips, more than deserve some fun to help them on their way as our newest ambassadors. Let’s hope we can all stay safe and make these changes work.

We have all been making a real effort to get the children outdoors and learning in a genuinely stimulating environment. P1s are the experts at this, of course, and keep everyone else on their toes! Here they are preparing for life as water engineers…

Creating, discussing, testing, tweaking – the real deal!

We will be posting a series of really, really important pictures very soon – all focused on the theme of ‘restore‘. Linked to the global environmental day, Restore Our Earth, all the classes created a body image with lots of pictures and text to remind us about what we must save and celebrate in our wonderful school. Here’s a clue to how the bodies were created and a sneak preview of Mrs Knaggs’ class’ creation…

Before we reveal the full display, this picture records the successes of some of our most creative young writers – the prize winners from the Rotary Club’s recent competition. Pupils in P5-7 display their certificates with representatives of Comber Rotary Club who organise the competition every year, and Miss Alexander, who coordinates the entries in school.

One of these girls has also had her story entered for the regional competition – covering all of Ireland!

Now for those wonderful class collages… The children created displays reflecting their favourite things about school, what they wished for, what they wanted school to be; all focused on restoring our community. The pictures and texts tell their own story… We’ll start with the eldest children – and, by the way, those in the photos are the children who donated their profile!

P7, Miss Alexander’s class
P7, Mr Sandford’s class
P6, Mrs Martin’s & Mrs Broadbent’s class
P6, Mrs Van Giesen’s class
P5, Mrs Beattie’s class
P5, Miss Mahood’s & Mr Cowan’s class
P4, Mrs Hanafin’s class
P4, Miss Savage’s class
P3, Mrs McCullough’s and Mrs Fulton’s class
P3, Miss Millar’s class
P2, Miss Cranston’s class
P2, Mrs Sims’ class
P1, Mrs Bovill’s class
P1, Mrs Knaggs’ class
Categories: School News