P4 Homework Information – 5/10/20 – 8/10/20

Spellings and Reading

This week’s spelling sound is ‘ow’ and we will be looking at the different ways to make this sound in school. Please remember to do your spelling activities in your Spelling Activity book at home. You can send us a photograph on Wednesday using Seesaw once the week’s activities are completed. Then we will be ready for our Friday test! Remember, we are doing our reading in school but not taking the reading books home so please try to read at home too. Maybe you like a bedtime story as well! As always, just try your best with your homework.


This week we are learning the ten times tables. Counting in tens is good fun, so hopefully you’ll not find these too difficult! Monday – Sheet 2 E, Tuesday – Sheet 2 F, Wednesday and Thursday – Sheet 2 E and F. Then we will be ready for our Friday test!

Categories: Primary 4