P4 Homework Information 28/9/20 – 1/10/20

Hello again! We hope all is going well with your homework. Soon we will be able to see the work you are doing at home. We will let you know how we are going to do this.


This week our spelling sound is ‘o’. You will see that there are lots of ways to make this sound – o, oa, o_e, oe and ow. Please rule your pages out as we did in Week 1. Monday night – copy down your sound words and topic words and then choose an activity from the Memory Menu. Remember, when you are doing an activity each night it helps you to learn the spellings. We learn to spell because it helps us when we are reading and writing.


This week we are continuing with the 5 times tables. Monday – Sheet 2 C, Tuesday – Sheet 2 D, Wednesday – Sheet 2 C and D, Thursday – Sheet 2 C and D.


We are doing lots of reading in school but not sending the books home just yet. Tell your parents how well you are all doing! If you enjoy reading a story before bed then keep this up!

Categories: Primary 4