September 2020

Welcome back, everyone – let’s hope this school year will be less eventful than the last one, and that we all remain safe and well.
Please check the August 2020 post for school restart information if you have any queries about that. You will also find a number of links to useful websites.
We will continue to add these to the monthly posts where relevant, as well as our letters and information for parents and carers.

Information for parents & carers:

Public Health Agency website – essential information for queries about Covid-19

Useful flow chart for parents & carers

It is a tradition that we start our year’s news with some from P1 – our newest pupils, all of whom have settled in so quickly and are enjoying the ‘newness’ of school. After all, many won’t even have experienced the routines of a pre-school environment, so full marks to the children and the staff for making so much progress so soon!
Here are some pictures that we have already tweeted, but which deserve to be here, too, because they capture the spirit and energy of these first few weeks.

We’ve just sorted all these lovely Autumn leaves
Our apple juice plant is in full swing here
Just perfect
Let’s get this place sorted out