Summer 2020

Well done on making it through to the end of June – whether you are a parent, a child or a member of staff, you now deserve a break. That is so, so important now, as the autumn will bring fresh challenges, some of which we can’t even know the details of, so let’s all pause for a while and try reviving a little normality by taking some kind of summer holiday.
Throughout the enforced closure period, the school has posted pictures of our wonderful pupils engaged in all sorts of learning – inside, outside, helping others, cooking (a lot of cooking), farming, sports, household chores. And more!
This page will be used to post updated information about the restart of school in late August/September, so please come back to check. We will also be emailing any letters to parents come the time – and will endeavour to continue with our strategy of making informed decisions before communicating them. And sticking to them.
So, as a nod to all of that fabulous learning and the efforts of everyone in keeping up their efforts, here’s a fitting picture to close our year. Ellie is holding a very special letter. It’s a reply to a letter she sent – to the Queen, no less! Now that’s something worth publicising! Well done, Ellie – and make sure you keep that in a very safe place.

Ellie holds (very tightly) her special letter from Windsor Castle

See you all in September, we hope. Please stay safe and enjoy your summer in whatever ways you can.

Information for parents & carers:

Categories: School News