Week Starting 15th June

We’re another step closer to the Summer holidays and you will notice the amount of work on our page easing a little. We have included a few little “challenges” and some arty and active ideas, too.

Keep your eyes peeled in your emails and on Twitter / Facebook, over the next week or two, to hear more details about our Leavers’ Assembly video, which is now taking shape!


One of the best things you can be doing for Literacy over the final few weeks and into the summer, is lots of reading! Have a look at the link below for some really good recommendations of books for your age group. Have a particularly close look at the ones based on our History topic of WW2!

Remember – our final class novel of the year would have been The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas. Maybe you’d like to give it a go! (PS – “year 6” is the English P7!)


Getting recommendations for books online is one thing, but an even better idea would be to get recommendations from each other! So, if you have read some really good books in the past and would like to recommend them to your classmates, email us with your recommendations and we will post a list on here next week! It would be really good to include why you liked the books and which genre they are, too.

How much grammar have you remembered this year? Have a go at the Who Wants to be a Millionaire quiz below to find out. Why don’t you challenge your family members?


Below are a few fun Maths Challenges for revision, to continue working on your problem-solving skills, and to generally keep your mathematical minds active!

If you’re looking for more challenges to do at home, this website is full of them! Click the link below:


World Around Us

Our penultimate Flight Geography lesson is on “drag“. Check it out below:

PDMU – It’s Your Move!

Scripture Union NI have produced a series of three “It’s Your Move” P7 transition lessons focusing on Change, Choice and Challenge. They are posted each Thursday, so the second one – Choice – has just been posted. Have a look by clicking below:


Have you seen some of the painted pebbles displaying kind messages or words of thanks over recent weeks? Why not try some of your own? You could paint a picture or pattern, or could include some words. Look at these examples and the worksheet to help:


We hope you enjoyed getting involved in our Virtual Sports Day! Well done to those who did. We loved watching your videos – especially the made-up obstacle courses!

Do you remember some of the circuits we did during our last term of PE? Why not print out some of these cards (you could print 4 to a page and cut them out), place them in a line or circle in your garden, get your favourite music on and complete a fitness circuit to stay active? Use a stopwatch, tablet or phone to complete 30 seconds at each station with a 30 second rest in between! You could add in a few different exercises of your own, too.

Categories: Primary 7