P7 Activities Week Starting 25th May

Scroll down for more lovely work, P7 – we know you’re excited!

Monday Fun-day

You may or may not have remembered, but this Monday (25th) would have been a Bank Holiday! We wouldn’t have been in school, so we encourage you to have an extra-relaxed day, avoid school work, and do something fun instead.

Watch your favourite films, get outside, bake something yummy, have a fun video call with friends or family, or keep learning those Tik-Tok dances! Let us know what you get up to!

It’s still Monday, though, so don’t forget to get in touch with another classmate and give them an encouraging message to see them through their week ahead! Can you reach out to someone you haven’t yet spoken to during lockdown?


This week, our first Literacy target is to expand our vocabulary and use stronger, more interesting words. I think you’ll enjoy the activity below and we’d love to see what you come up with! Have a go at the emoji book challenge too – it’s tricky!

Keep sending your Beyond the Door fantasy narratives, or uploading them to NewsDesk! This week’s second Literacy target is to continue with writing your Persuasive Advert:

Keep up the leisure reading, and for comprehension continue looking at NewsDesk articles that interest you, along with their discussion questions.

The phonetic spelling sound for this week is the “tch” sound (t/ch/tch):

Careful not to muddle up the soft “sh” sound (sh/s/ch) with the harder “tch” sound (t/ch/tch):


We hope you enjoyed last week’s Maths and some chocolate along with it! Our first Maths target for this week is revision of Mean, Mode, Median and Range. Have a look at the activities below and follow the link to find some more on BBC BiteSize:


Our second maths target is on Probability! This link to BBC Bitesize (https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zfr3nrd/articles/zqpxmnb) will give you some reminders, then try out the activities below:

World Around Us

For WAU this week, our focus is on History and Geography:

As part of our WW2 History topic, have a look at this PowerPoint and activity about The Battle of Britain:

For our Weather & Climate Geography topic, we’re taking a look at Wind! Find out how it’s measured, and about a man called Francis Beaufort below:


For PDMU, we are starting a series of 3 lessons all about “Moving On“. Try to work through just the first lesson this week – The Worry Jar:

of the week:
Categories: Primary 7