P6 – week beginning 25.5.20

Hello P6! Gosh, it’s hard to believe that we’re already at the end of May! We continue to miss you all and hope you are safe and well.

This is the time of year in school when we would be outdoors as much as possible preparing for Sports Day and continuing with our WAU topic Exploring Our Natural World. Thank you for all the great photos you continue to send us, showing how you are engaging with and enjoying the outdoors while at home. We love to see them, so please keep them coming! email: p6@andrewsmps.com

You will find your planners for this week below. Don’t forget to log onto My School to find the rest of the work in Shared Resources.

Remember, just try your best and do what you can.

Wishing you a great week, P6!

Mrs Van Giesen & Mrs Martin

Categories: Primary 6