P4 Home Learning 18/5/20 – 22/5/20

Hello again P4!

Another week has gone by and it is the middle of May already! We would normally be getting ourselves prepared for Sports Day and continuing to enjoy our Titanic activities in school. Sadly, that is not the case this year, but you have really helped us to stay positive by sending little updates and photographs of what you are up to. It really is so lovely so keep them coming, if you can! If we can help you to stay positive or answer a question you may have then please contact us. Teachers love to help!

P4 Planner

Here is your planner for this week. As always, just try your best and do what you can.


Week 28 – please continue with your daily spelling activities. The sound story is here to help, too!


This week you can try your spelling sentence worksheets, how to use saw and seen correctly, a comprehension about Thomas Andrews, and some work on conjunctions.

Mental Maths and Numeracy

You will find some clock sheets in here this week. Learning to tell the time can be tricky so we have added a PowerPoint which might help.

World Around Us


Try these activities all about perseverance. This means keeping trying to do something even if you find it tricky.

Never Say, "I can't" Always Say "I'll try" Printable Inspirational ...
Categories: Primary 4