P1 Home Learning May 11th 2020

May 11th
Hello P1. Welcome to another week of home learning. We are loving all of your photos and videos . Keep sending them to us! You are all working so hard but are making sure that you play loads too, which is great . Some children have been trying new skills which are very impressive. Let’s hope you enjoy the work and activities that we are sending this week . We miss you so much but it really helps to see your faces through the P1 email .
Love from
Mrs B and Mrs K

Mrs Moorhead and Mrs Robinson have been missing you too! They have been enjoying the good weather and hope that you have as well.

Hi P1!   I am missing you lots and hope you are having fun at home.
I have been busy planting seeds in my greenhouse.  Can you guess what I’ve planted?
Hope to see you all soon. Love Mrs Moorhead x
Sending love. I miss you!

Eric Carle ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’

This wonderful story was first printed in 1969. 51 years ago! (nearly as old as Mrs Knaggs!!) It tells the story , quite beautifully, about the life cycle of a butterfly. We have based a lot of our work this week around this book. Enjoy your learning !!



World Around Us


Weekly challenges

Categories: Primary 1