P1 Home Learning 27th April

Hello P1 and welcome to the Summer Term. We’re so sorry we can’t see you in person but we look forward to hearing more from you this term.

You can now email us: p1@andrewsmps.com

If you have not received an email from us today please contact us at the above email address. Please also check your junk mail, particularly hotmail accounts.

We hope that you are enjoying this lovely weather and are ready to start some new learning.

On this P1 page you will now find your weekly learning grid and specific activities to complete. The learning grid can be printed off but it will also be useful to download it onto your device as there are weblinks included. We have added some worksheets to consolidate some of the work. These can be printed off, if you are able to. It is important, however, to remember that imaginative, creative and physical play is a vital part of your day.

The most important classroom of all is the world outside and around us! Please get outside if you can!

Weekly Challenges

Categories: Primary 1