Home Learning Continued…

Hello P6! We trust that you had a relaxing Easter and are enjoying this lovely Spring weather! Hopefully your parent/ carer will have received an email from our new P6 email address. This outlines where you are going to find everything you need to continue on your home learning journey!

The first set of attachments are weekly home learning planners for both the Centaurs and Phoenixes.

You will notice that we have mentioned finding your work on My School. Below is a help sheet that will allow you to log into My School from home.

The last set of attachments for this week are some guidelines for both parents and pupils about how to use My School and how to work through your AQE Practice Papers.

Remember, you can only do your best! We are missing you all very much and are looking forward to seeing some of the activities that you have been doing!

Mrs Van Giesen & Mrs Martin

Categories: Primary 6