Home Learning – 27/4 – 1/5

Good Morning P2

In this section we have included this weeks planning grid, it covers all areas of the curriculum. Please remember that in P2 we do the majority of our learning through practical activities and through PBL. With this in mind please don’t get stressed out trying to complete all of the tasks each week. Parents you are doing a great job!!!!


This week we are looking at doubling. Doubling a number is when you add the number to its self. When you are doubling a number the answer will always be an even number. Below are various activities to help you learn your doubles up to 20.


This week we are revising some of the sounds we have been learning in our spellings. There are various games for you to play below.

World Around Us

For the next couple of weeks we will be looking at the Titanic. We have included information on the Titanic and different activities for you to complete.


This is a story about how a girl called Lucy is coping with the current lockdown.

Weekly Challeneges

Categories: Primary 2