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Andrews Memorial Primary School, Comber

School Uniform


It is the policy of the school that school uniform should be worn by all children. The wearing of school uniform has a very positive effect, not only with regard to ethos, but also to standards of discipline and children’s self-esteem. The uniform helps define our school community and instills a sense of pride in the children and the staff. The cooperation of parents is greatly appreciated in this respect.

Girls’ Uniform

  • Grey skirt / pinafore / trousers
  • Light blue blouse
  • Maroon pullover / cardigan or school sweatshirt

Boys’ Uniform

  • Grey trousers
  • Light blue shirt
  • Maroon pullover or school sweatshirt

Maroon fleeces, waterproof jackets, and polo shirts are also available from suppliers.

School uniforms are available from:


PE Kit Pupils wear their PE kit to school on PE days.

We would ask for your support in the following ways:

  • Jeans are not permitted.
  • Shoes for both boys and girls should be of comfortable design and dark in colour. Dark trainers may be worn if desired. Gym shoes with elasticized sides/tops are ideal for younger children. Soft footwear and suitable attire must be worn by all pupils for physical education classes.
  • Jewellery, such as necklaces, bracelets, and earrings, should not be worn in school (one small stud earring in each ear is acceptable).
  • ‘Extreme’ hairstyles are not permitted; these include ‘spiked,’ ‘gelled,’ and ‘dyed/streaked’ hair. The Principal will decide if a particular hairstyle is acceptable or not.
  • The wearing of make-up is not permitted.

All items of clothing brought to school should be clearly marked with the child’s name/initials.