Music @ AMPS

We have a very strong tradition in music at AMPS.
Children have the opportunity in Primary 4 and Primary 5 to learn an instrument. This is provided by the EA Music Service and our wonderful peripatetic tutors who come in weekly to teach the children in small groups. Those learning an instrument are invited to join the school orchestra from Primary 5 onwards. We currently offer tuition in brass, upper and lower string, and woodwind.
At AMPS we love to sing! We believe in giving every child the same opportunity to perform and so all our children perform together for events. Each year group performs twice throughout the year for an audience.
Music forms a large part of our Christmas celebrations. Every year, in the Andrews Hall, we present Carol Services and a Nativity. Each one showcasing different musical performance in song and ensembles. We also sing within our community at Christmas time to residents of Comber.
A music highlight in AMPS is our annual production. A lot of hard work and dedication goes in to learning the songs for our performances and our Key Stage 2 choir never cease to amaze us with their talent and the standard of singing they can achieve.
Mrs Ambrose is our Music lead in school and if you have any questions about music, she will be able to help guide you.