AMPS Safeguarding Team

All staff, teaching and non-teaching should be alert to the signs of possible abuse and should know the procedures to be followed. This policy sets out guidance on the action, which is required where abuse or harm to a child is suspected and outlines referral procedures within our school.
Key Principles of Safeguarding and Child Protection
The general principles, which underpin our work, are those set out in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and are enshrined in the Children (Northern Ireland) Order 1995, “Co-operating to safeguard children and young people in Northern Ireland” (DHSSPSNI, 2017), the Department of Education (Northern Ireland) guidance “Safeguarding and Child Protection in Schools” Circular 2017/04 (amended September 2019; updated June 2020) and the SBNI Core Child Protection Policy and Procedures (2017).
The following principles form the basis of our Child Protection Policy:
- The child or young person’s welfare is paramount;
- The voice of the child or young person should be heard;
- Parents are supported to exercise parental responsibility and families helped stay together;
- Partnership;
- Prevention;
- Responses should be proportionate to the circumstances;
- Protection; and
- Evidence based and informed decision making.
The following are members of the school’s Safeguarding Team:
- Chair of the Board of Governors Mrs C Nixon
- Designated Governor for Child Protection Dr L Boyce
- Principal Mr C Fulton
- Designated Teacher Mrs A Sims
- Deputy Designated Teacher(s) Mrs J Hanafin, Mr C Fulton
Addressing Bullying in AMPS
It is a duty placed on Boards of Governors in Northern Ireland, to ensure that Andrews Memorial Primary School has an effective Addressing Bullying Policy and practices aligned to the Addressing Bullying in Schools (NI) Act 2016 which commenced in schools September 2021.
This Addressing Bullying Policy takes account of key legislation and is informed by DE Guidance, EA publications and the international context (Appendix 1).
In Andrews Memorial Primary School, we aim to provide a happy, caring and safe environment in which all pupils will have opportunities to develop their potential. This can only happen if the children feel safe, happy and engaged with school. A child who is experiencing bullying behaviour is most certainly an unhappy child and we will do all that we can to resolve such an experience or feeling.
From time-to-time pupils may experience bullying behaviour, despite our caring ethos and consistent promotion of positive behaviour. If we allow bullying behaviour to go unchallenged, we are not providing our pupils with the safe and educationally stimulating learning environment they deserve.
Experiencing bullying behaviour can result in fear, depression and feelings of worthlessness and anger. The school will promote positive relationships by encouraging pupils to report incidents and to accept responsibility for the welfare of other pupils. All staff, both teachers and support staff, should be respected, should manage behaviour positively, be alert to the dangers of bullying behaviour and aim to provide positive role models for our pupils.
Bullying will not be tolerated in Andrews Memorial Primary School.
We will act swiftly when a case of bullying occurs. Reported incidents will be taken seriously and thoroughly investigated.
We strive to create a learning environment, supported by the principals of PERMA (see below). If successful, positive behaviour is the norm, children relate positively with each other and have a purpose to their learning. All achievements, inside or outside the classroom, are celebrated.
Follow this link to access the Anti-Bullying Resource pack from the Anti-Bullying Alliance Northern Ireland.
It is filled with information and strategies to contend with difficult circumstances and issues surrounding bullying behaviour.